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Thursday, June 14, 2012

dads: their roman catapults & nasty gym shorts

To keep with the spirit of the upcoming Father's Day weekend, my good friend John asked me to guest blog on the topic of fatherhood. Note: I am a mother. Now, this may be payback since he guest-blogged (marvelously, I might add) for my website on the topic of Mother's Day. He probably wants a turn to kick up his feet and drink a few Corona beers this weekend, or maybe he just has writer's block. Either way, I am happy to oblige.

Warning!(here comes the disclaimer...) No, I have not suddenly sprung a pair. Therefore I write this piece from an overwhelmingly estrogen/progesterone perspective. I do not hold an academic degree that makes me any kind of expert on fathers and will not pretend to know even a smidgeon about how it feels to be a father in these modern times. I will, instead, muse on what it looks like it feels like.

To read the full post, please click on John's blog link below...

John Pfeiffer is the proud father of three and author of Dude You’re Gonna Be a Dad, available at You can check out his fatherly advice (and gripes) and ramblings at and follow him on Twitter at @johnpfeifferdad .